Friday, August 22, 2008

The Candy Gram: Vivienne VaVoom

Just in case things aren't hot enough in Denver yet, The Candy Pitch is re-running our Candy Gram with the city's very own Vivienne VaVoom.

What is your hometown?

How long have you been interested in burlesque/performing?
Ten years this summer!

How many pairs of pasties do you own?
Countless - I have a large Tupperware full of them.

What are your three favorite songs to perform to?
David Rose's Banned in Boston (My MEW song!), Petula Clark's version of Whatever Lola Wants in French, and Lucienne Boyer's Parlez-moi D'amour (for my fan dance).

What three items could you not live without as a performer?
False eyelashes, good shoes, lots and lots of glitter and rhinestones.

Who had the biggest influence on your career?
Miss Dirty Martini. She embodies that old burlesque bump-n-grind aesthetic, which I love. When I'm teaching burlesque she's my favorite example of someone who knows every song she performs to inside and out. Her body emphasizes every drum beat, and grinds to every horn wail, her clothes come off precisely in time with the music. I grin like a maniac every time I see her perform, I just love watching her so much and I learn something new every time I see her.

Who is your favorite burly queen?
Gypsy Rose Lee - her self-transformation from vaudeville tramp to a burlesque queen featured on the pages of Vogue, is very inspiring. And I love that she had a sewing machine with her at all times (I think it was mounted in the trunk of her car).

What is your favorite item of clothing?
Burlesque: the cincher from my red corset. I made it myself, and while it's not perfect, it's pretty darned good!
Other: My satin rust colored floor length dress. It makes me feel like a movie star when I wear it!

What's the last movie you saw?
Ms. Pettigrew Lives for a Day Lovely costumes - I want to be Amy Adams' character and I REALLY want a Ms. Pettigrew.

What's on your must-see-TV list?
I'm hoping Pushing Daisies comes back in the fall. I really miss it!

What book is on your nightstand?
Gilded Lili: Lili St. Cyr and the Striptease Mystique and The Happy Stripper: Pleasures and Politics of the New Burlesque.

If you could go anywhere for vacation, where would you go?
I love Tulum, Mexico, but really any remote place with a good beach, warm ocean and clothing optional. While I love dressing up it's nice to not have to glamour up and just go totally au naturale for a few days.

If you could have any superpower, which one would you want? Why?
Magic lasso, bullet deflecting wrist cuffs, an invisible plane ... I'm completely obsessed with Wonder Woman.

Satisfy your appetite for more Candy Grams: Panache La Plume, Ginger Valentine, Madame Rosebud, Little Brooklyn, Victoria Veneance, Sauci Calla Horra, Penny Starr Jr., Gemma Parker, Darla DeVine, Sparkly Devil, Vivienne VaVoom, Lux LaCroix, Charlotte La Belle Araignee, Bunny Love, Amber Topaz, Amelie Soleil, Red Hot Annie, HoneyLu, Kimberlee Rose, Vicky Butterfly, Dominique Immora, Yasmine Vine, Cherry Bomb, Millie Dollar, Joanie Gyoza, Bonbon Vivant, Lola Martinet, Frankie Boudoir, Vixen Violette, Ravenna Black, Veronica Lashe, Amber Ray, Beatrix von Bourbon, Angie Pontani, Tanya Cheex, Bloody Belle, Clams Casino, Trixie Little, Michelle L'Amour, Margaret Cho, Miss Dirty Martini, Princess Farhana, Miss Delirium Tremens, Paris Green, Jo Boobs, Jack Midnight, Heidi Von Haught, Diamond Minx, The Titillation Twins, Scratch, Creamy Stevens and Gina Louise.

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